我公司承建的浙江省寧波市慈溪生活垃圾焚燒發電項目三期煙氣凈化工程于2022年11月30日開工建設。 The third construction phase of flue gas cleaning project of the Cixi domestic waste incineration power generation project in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, undertaken by our company, commenced its construction work on November 30, 2022.
該項目設計規模日焚燒處理生活垃圾750噸,預留1條750t/d機械爐排垃圾焚燒線建設場地,配套1條煙氣凈化處理線。煙氣處理采用“PNCR+SDA半干法+活性炭噴射+干法噴射+布袋除塵器+1#GGH+濕法脫酸+2#GGH+SGH+低溫SCR+飛灰輸送、存儲及穩定化工藝”的煙氣凈化工藝,為我司EPC工程。 The project is designed to incinerate 750 tons of domestic waste per day, with a reserved construction site for a 750t/d mechanical grate waste incineration line and a supporting flue gas cleaning treatment line. This flue gas cleaning process adopts "PNCR+SDA semi-dry method + activated carbon injection + dry injection + bag dust collector + 1#GGH + wet deacidification + 2#GGH + SGH + low-temperature SCR + fly ash transportation, storage and stabilization process" This flue gas cleaning process is our EPC project.
華星東方在浙江省的業績涵蓋包括:寧波洞橋、寧波慈溪一期、二期、三期、寧波鄞州、蘭溪、紹興上虞、麗水、麗水青田、湖州德清、湖州安吉、寧波奉化、杭州建德、金華、嘉興、嘉興海鹽、嘉興海寧、溫州平陽、溫州永嘉、衢州龍游、臺州、臺州溫嶺等多個項目。 Huaxing East's performance in Zhejiang Province includes: Ningbo Dongqiao, Ningbo Cixi Phase I, II, III, Ningbo Yinzhou, Lanxi, Shaoxing Shangyu, Lishui, Lishui Qingtian, Huzhou Deqing, Huzhou Anji, Ningbo Fenghua, Hangzhou Jiande , Jinhua, Jiaxing, Jiaxing Haiyan, Jiaxing Haining, Wenzhou Pingyang, Wenzhou Yongjia, Quzhou Longyou, Taizhou, Taizhou Wenling and other projects.