我公司承建的天津市東麗區生活垃圾焚燒發電項目煙氣凈化工程于2022年07月10日通過72+24小時試運行。 The FGC project undertaken by Huaxing for the waste incineration plant in Dongli, Tianjin passed 72+24 hours trial operation on July 10, 2022.
該項目一期建設處理規模2400t/d,二期擴建800t/d的焚燒生產線,最終總處理規模為3200t/d。煙氣處理采用“SNCR+SDA+干法+活性炭噴射+袋式除塵+GGH+SGH+SCR+飛灰輸送、存儲及穩定化工藝”的煙氣凈化工藝,為我司設備供貨工程。 The phase I of the plant has a process capacity of 2400 t/d, and the phase II will build an incineration line of 800 t/d. The total capacity will be 3200 t/d. The FGC adopted the process of "SNCR + SDA + dry method + activated carbon injection + bag filter + GGH + SGH + SCR + fly ash conveying, storage, and stabilization". It is an equipment supply project of Huaxing.
華星東方在天津市的業績涵蓋包括:寶坻、東麗、青光等多個項目。 Huaxing-east's reference in Tianjin includes multiple projects such as Baodi, Dongli, Qingguang, etc.